About Braver Angels of West Virginia

Braver Angels of West Virginia is working in our local communities by holding workshops, debates and public presentations designed to bridge the polarizing political divide we experience in our country. These events allow conservatives and liberals to get past the destructive stereotypes so we can have civil conversations about real issues that lead to productive problem-solving. 

At Braver Angels, the focus is not on getting people to change their minds about issues, but rather to change their minds about each other. The goal is to understand each other, not persuade each other. This enables us to avoid assumptions about each others' motives, clarify areas of legitimate disagreement, and find areas of common ground that would not otherwise be visible.

Our mission is to introduce citizens to the Braver Angels process of depolarization and civil discourse through:

West Virginia State Leadership

Currently, since there is only one Braver Angels Alliance in West Virginia, the state coordinators also serve as the Alliance co-chairs.

To contact the State Coordinators, please email wv-coordinators@braverangels.org

Judy Hamilton

West Virginia State Coordinator - Blue

Ed Tomlinson

West Virginia State Coordinator - Red